The Importance of Going Outside
We have enjoyed an unusually warm fall this year, but winter gear season is officially here and to stay! It is important that no matter what our own personal opinion is about the cooler weather outdoors, children still should get outside.
Why go outside? Well there are many benefits to outdoor play –
Physical exercise
Improves immunity, some think that you can catch a cold if you are outside in the cold but that has been proven false, the fresh air is great for our bodies. Staying indoor in the heat is where the germs live.
Imagination & creativity increase
Vitamin D
What can you as a parent do to help with outdoor play during the winter months be successful?
Provide a good supply of back up clothes, especially socks
Patience getting everyone ready, and the more you allow time for your child to build the self-help skills to get their gear and by themselves the better equipped they will be in the mist of many children.
The more waterproof items the better, if not two pairs of gloves might be helpful for the AM and PM outings
Please note Wisconsin has an inclement weather policy from the Department of Health and Family Services for child care programs to follow related to weather and outdoor play:
□ Inclement Weather and Outside Play
Inclement weather is described as stormy or severe. Some indications might include heavy rain, temperatures about 90̊F, or temperature of 0̊F, or below including the wind chill for children over the age of 2-years or 20̊F for children under the age of 2-years.