Show Your Heart Some Love
Many of the staff here at Bee Balm have shown an increased interest in leading a healthy lifestyle; the focus has mainly been on eating healthy and exercising regularly. We all wanted to support each other in these goals so Melinda (Shooting Stars Teacher) created a Bee Balm Health and Fitness Facebook page. I don’t personally have Facebook so I don’t get to see much of what they are posting on there, but I am truly inspired by the support and motivation they have created. So, in that spirit, and in the spirit of Valentine’s Day (ok maybe a couple weeks late for that) here are so tips for a “heart-healthy” lifestyle.
Know the Relationship Between Age, Heart Rate & Performance
Give Your Heart a Break & De-Stress With These Tips
12 Heart-Healthy Foods to Add to Your Grocery Cart
Brave the Cold Weather & Keep Your Running Momentum
Support Your Partner's Goals & Continue Crushing Your Own
So take a moment to show your heart some love this month!
If you are interested in finding out more about how our Bee Balm staff are motivating each other to lead a healthy life, contact Melinda at