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The Benefits and Importance of Early Childhood Education

I don’t want to get too political here…… but with the election only about 1 week away I feel it is important to stress the importance of early childhood education and that it is our responsibility as parents and early childhood educators to understand each politicians stand on early childhood education, after all children can’t vote so it is our job to advocate for children’s issues, including early learning and health care.

There has been SO much research on the benefits for children AND the economy in investing in quality early childhood education. There is a study that shows there is a return of $7 for every dollar spent on early childhood education. The basis behind this argument is that the skills developed in early childhood form the basis for future learning and labor market success. Quality early childhood education enhances a child’s ability to learn, work with others, be patient, and develop other life skills that are the foundation for formal learning and social interaction in the school years and beyond. Failure to develop these foundational skills can lead to long-term, often irreversible effects on education achievement, health, fertility, and productive earnings, which later result in significant costs for both individuals and society.

Therefore, in order to be the best possible champion for our kids I urge you to understand ALL of the candidate’s platforms on early childhood education and to take that into consideration when heading to the polls. The outcomes of this election will have a profound impact on all of our futures, but mostly importantly on our children’s future. Make sure to vote for stronger families!

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