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Scribble Time

Where did the amazing weather from yesterday go?! The old saying is true: April showers bring May flowers. We can't wait to see everything explode with color as spring arrives. Yesterday we discovered the new "baby area" on the playground was upgraded! There is now a canopy for sun protection and turf to make it a nice soft area for the babies to explore. Thank you Bekah and Martin for working so hard to improve our playgrounds. :)

Today we spent a lot of time socializing. It is fun to watch as the children grow, they begin to interact with each other and play together. Developing social and emotional relationships with peers and adults is vital to a child's development. We also had our very first "scribble time." It may take a few times for the children to understand the concept, but introducing this activity helps to work on their fine motor skills and cognitive skills. As they grow and develop, we will continue to work on their fine motor skills.

We hope you are having a great day!

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